Digital Transformation

For your business model

How we implement the digital transformation in your business?

After the preliminary meeting, in the first session of Digital Transformation Workshop, we focused completely on identifying all the problems of the business we can (Never in the first session we focus on solutions).

As Albert Einstein said, we need to spend the most of the time in discover what the real problem is, because after that we can find the solution very fast

After we discovered all the problems, we focused on all the processes of the business (Sales process, buying process, customer sact process, etc.) and linked these processes with the problems we found.

When the link is done, we start to create the digital new business model, this is not a simple process, this is going to be a continuous 5 years process (This does not mean you have to wait 5 years to see benefits for your business)

The 5-year process means that you are going to change the way your employees interact not only with customers, but also with the entire workforce of the business.


That means that they are not going to do the same tasks that they are used to, or at least not in the same way. They will likely need training not only in new digital solutions, but also in many other ways as well (for example, to learn the correct way to approach a millennial manager or how to address an unhappy customer complaint on social media).

We have to have a continuous validation of the results, in this new digital era we need to verify the results in the closest time to the real time that the budget allows, so that you can make or change to the correct strategy decision for your business, in the shortest possible time.

Every second is money for your business, so when we are in the process of digital transformation we have to leave those things that are working for your business model and very quick very remove the other ones that do not give the results expected. So it is simple, implement a digital transformation means your business most to follow the “Fail Fast, Fail Cheap” philosophy

Why we said you should not only buy a digital product or service?

Because buying a digital product or hiring a digital service, could be a big error for your business if it you does not know if match with your business model.

You need a digital product or service that not only solves a specific problem, you need a digital solution where you can have the flexibility to solve the problems of your business that even do not exist yet.
Did It sound impossible? well it is not, it’s just chaos theory, which says the only thing for sure is that the business operation is going to fail at some point and according to the theory, we don’t need to be prepared for every failure in the process, we just need to have a defined process on how we should act when problem appears (because it will)

“If I had an hour to solve a problem I’d spend 55 minutes thinking about the problem and 5 minutes thinking about solutions.”

Albert Einstein

Just a regular guy

Digital transformation as part of the business model

We help your business to get more revenue and save costs

Check out our other services

Always focused to optimize your business model

Web and Mobile Development

Always according to the needs of your business model. Nowadays there are so many options in the market, even some of them are totally FREE.

(A new web portal or mobile app should not become an issue for your business operation)

Digital Marketing

Always according to the needs of your business model. If you invest in social media ads your return on investment should be money or even customer sact

(The “likes” of Facebook and Instagram do not pay the bills of your business)

Why us?

Because we want for your business the same you want

Let’s transform your business model